Hail Aquarius! ~ 21 Jan 2021

A stellium builds before us, heaping up like cumulus clouds. The visually evocative gaseous giants Jupiter and Saturn now ride the ripples of Aquarius as does Mercury. Given that Mercury retrogrades on the 30 January within the final few degrees of Aquarius, the messenger continues his occupation of the water bearer until 15 March - plenty of time to process the signals from above. Meanwhile, the Sun commenced his tour of Aquarius a couple days ago and persists through 18 February. Venus joins in the pool party on 1 February and remains in Aquarius until 25 February.

No matter how one slices the zodiac pie, that’s a heap of pieces for Aquarius. Hail Aquarius and all it stands for!

Between 1 February and the 18 February the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn take the stage in the theater of operations of the water bearer, marking the thickest time of the sign’s influence. Is this the Age of Aquarius? Technically, no, but it’s a great time for restoration of more hopeful times that make the world a better place. How’s that for a huge slice of perspective pie?

Given that Aquarius holds the reputation for being humanistic, altruistic and asserting ones efforts are for the good of all, how’s your humanity holding up?

Have you stomped your feet in pouting protest at the coronavirus restrictions placed upon your best laid plans?

Have you thrown objects at the television while watching the news and the crazed politics of the world?

Have you marveled at the conclusions those around you seem to be making and enacting when it comes to basic functions in life?

Have you had it with social media? And video meetings, ad nauseam?

Good. You’re still human. Now, with all this Aquarius cycling about out there, it’s time to find your place in humankind.

The goal is to be the shining star... like the Tarot card, with one foot in the waters of sensitivity, the rest of your being is supported by terra firma. Grounded and emotionally connected all at once and within that, bright, inspiring and transparent. Exactly what Aquarius has in mind.

Keep in mind the blend of the ruling planets for Aquarius - Saturn and Uranus. By cosmic design and not coincidence, these two will square on 17 February (and also June 14, Saturn retrograde, Uranus direct; and also 24 December, Saturn direct, Uranus retrograde).

What could the message be? Move on, don’t linger. No need to bog down. Advance with the most ideal of aspirations. No throwing the baby out with the bath water, though. Keep the tried and true that continues to function ideally. Innovate and make progress at every possible opportunity for those things that no longer support the accelerating and changing times.

Protests - avoid them. The backlash can be more trouble than they’re worth and you end up with the meme of being a perfect pain in the posterior. Instead, come up with better and more viable, smarter solutions and find a means to effectively put them in play. You want to change policies? Write laws that define those policies. You want the energy industry to be more sustainable? Work with developing sustainable energy. Become part of the solution... adopting problematic behavior to make a point fails to soothe churning waters.

Next, locate your humanism. Okay, if that seems too contrary to the current flow of life, adopt and care for a shelter animal, or donate to pet shelters, food banks and places that help the downtrodden. Consider that all creatures, human and non human, domestic and wild, are in this together.

Become a player in the “pay-it-forward” consciousness.

Resist the urge to judge or condemn, or ridicule and blame. Keep in mind everyone on the planet occupies the lands of the planet and consumes the planet’s resources. There is a need for “if someone pees in the pool everyone gets it” awareness. We’re all on this planet, subject to each and every event that occurs on this planet - whether in real world scenarios or the vibes that any situation leaves behind. No matter how we define ourselves as an individual, we all share in the fate of the planet. We’re all dealing with the crazy-making components of the astrological signatures above (whether one believes in astrology or not... amazing, right?). We’re all subject to COVID-19's seeming Eris conspiracy to level awareness of the human playing field. That Erissian theme being: We’re all isolated, so invoke the best of your talents regardless. We’re all impacted by the politics of each and every country and all the trickle-down derivations of shared worldly woes. No one is immune from the collective, as long as enjoying a beating heart.

Just think, about a year ago, instead of the Aquarian consortium in the sky, we dealt with a stellium in Capricorn that included Pluto, and the main players all tangoed with Eris in a less than tantalizing set of moves. Things are so much lighter now. Despite the peak of the virus and crazed politics, things are improving... slowly, perhaps imperceptibly, but they are. Aquarius demands that the consciousness to support such psychic infrastructure be securely installed.

Thus, do something every day to make the planet better... even if it’s pick up and properly dispose a couple of gum wrappers or a soda can or a turtle-choking straw. Be “woke” without the need to carry the state of awareness to virtue judgment nerdism. Even if it’s as basic as helping someone change a tire (socially distanced of course). Even it’s only a friendly wave and the offering of the blessing of the times: “Y’all stay safe!”

Be the best bright beacon you can be. What makes a person beam? It’s simple... every day assert conscious and tangible efforts to achieve your creative aspirations and fulfill your spiritual goals.

Get out there, engage and mean it. Create an attitude wherein your knee-jerk reaction is kindness and consideration. Within this all, you aid and abet the consciousness revolution that Aquarius intends to invoke.

Hail Aquarius!